WATAC (Women and the Australian Church)
Modeling new ways of being church based on ‘discipleship of equals’.
Women and the Australian Church (WATAC) commenced in 1984 as a national project of the religious women and men of Australia. While WATAC is Catholic by origin, it is ecumenical by membership and is committed to working with other churches and faiths churches and faiths.
WWITCH (Women's Wisdom in the Church)
Our vision is to create a global network of Catholic reform and other Christian and ecumenical groups that actively embraces diversity and works to include groups marginalised by the hierarchical church.
Spirit Unbounded: Human Rights in the Catholic Church
Working towards human rights in the emerging Catholic church.
St Lucia Spirituality
Our mission is to cultivate an inclusive community of spiritual seekers, fostering online dialogues and establishing intimate discussion groups in local neighbourhoods.
UC Forum
Open dialogue and inclusive action in the Uniting Church in Australia, and with friends of UCA. Welcoming thinking explorers of faith and spirituality from many denominations or no church connection. Bringing news and commentary about seminars, resources and scholarship in the field of progressive Christianity.