Australasian catholic coalition for Church reform
SYNOD ON SYNODALITY: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission
Final Document: Official English Translation
“With the Final Document, we have gathered up the fruit of years – at least three – , during which we set out to listen to the People of God, in order to have a better understanding, by listening to the Holy Spirit, of how to be a “synodal Church” in these times”.
Pope Francis places human experience at the heart of the foundations of theology, and so, of spirituality. alongside scripture and tradition. The action of the Spirit and sense of faith is unique for every person.
Analysis of Church Reform Priorities: CCCG Priorities matched to Synod on Synodality
This analysis is a key resource as we seek implementation of the aspirations of the Synod on Synodality. There is a great deal of potential and grounds for hope but actualising it will be a major task. There is little enthusiasm among either bishops or parish clergy!
The analysis provides a much needed framework for developing appropriate responses and using it to inform ourselves as well as to promote movement in our own situations and circumstances.